Sunday, July 27, 2008

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

On the runway Still

More delays

Even when you're on schedual, you can still be delayed... I don't understand it either.


I <3 New York

So, due to some weather delays we missed our flight to Hong Kong, but it was all ok because we got to stay a night in Newark, AKA The Ghetto! The good news is that New York is but a train away! So, instead of sitting around a motel we opted to see the city. Needless to say it was an awesome day!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008


Apparently there is bad weather somewhere.... Looks clear to me.

Sent from my iPhone

The Adventure Begins!

Today I'll start on my long journey to China! I'll be posting photos here as well as my flickr stream! So stay tuned, and follow along!